Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Still stuck at La Quinta - with no power


Joan and Snow in bed, trying to stay warm

Just when we think that our long-planned, eagerly-awaited adventure-of-a-lifetime sailing adventure aboard our fabulous sailboat could not POSSIBLY suffer any more afflictions or aggravations, here comes another:  our previously comfy-cozy motel room LOOSES POWER.

View from our balcony

Now in all fairness, it's not just us - most of the entire friggin state of Texas lost power at some point in this record-breaking winter storm.  But when we're separated from our beloved boat and stranded in a motel, it's especially rotten.  It's cold as hell in here, we have no hot water, and no way to make coffee or heat up our food.  All of the restaurants along the seawall are closed.  Monday night, our supper was peanut butter on crackers.  With potato chips. 

Meanwhile, all our phones and computers and other electronic devices are running out of juice, and we have no way to recharge them.  So we can't even communicate with the outside world.

Ice on the walkway

Wait - it gets worse.  The motel, with their computers down, cannot refresh our room key cards.  So if we leave the room, we must leave the door ajar, else get locked out.  And IF we try to go outside for a walk, we risk our life slip-sliding away on ice.

Spooky-looking fog over the ocean

We made it thru the night by putting ALL the blankets from both beds onto one bed.  We spent an awful lot of time hunkered down under the covers, with Snow the cat snuggled in close.

If we were back aboard Dragonfly at a marina, true, we wouldn't have plug-in electric power either.  (The outage affected the entire island.)  But we do have a PROPANE STOVE, and lots of food, drink, blankets, and extra clothes.  And enough battery juice to keep our phones running.

Finally, a hot cup of coffee

Fortunately, the crisis ended Tuesday afternoon when the power finally came back on.  We celebrated right away with lots and lots of hot, steaming coffee - with a shot of Gentleman Jack for extra flavor. 

To their eternal credit, the staff here at La Quinta has been as helpful and accommodating as can be.  They will not charge us for the two nights we had no power.

I still have no idea when we can be reunited with our boat.  We can't even THINK about re-launching until the temperatures get well above freezing, the winds die down, and the precipitation subsides.  Based on the current weather forecast, that could still be many days away.  Rest assured, however, that at some future date, your favorite blogger will return this website to its original goal of reporting on all the fun and adventure aboard Dragonfly as she and her crew make our way eastward.  Stay tuned!

 Oh and I almost forgot: happy Mardi Gras, everybody!



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