Friday, July 12, 2024

Tampa to Kemah aboard "Just One More Day"


Hello faithful readers!  I am off on another exciting sailing adventure , and so everyone gets a break from my political rants.  I will use my Dragonfly blog, which is already all set up.


Landis & Brent

I am in Tampa, Florida aboard the sailing vessel “Just One More Day”.  It is a gorgeous 42-foot Lagoon catamaran, decked out with all the fanciest bells and whistles a modern sailboat can have.  My skipper is Brent, who, as before, hooked up with on the internet.  He is a retired medical doctor.  Our other crewmate is Landis, a retired geo-physicist.


Brent’s destination is none other than Kemah, Texas, to secure the boat for hurricane season.  Yeah, he will admit he’s running a bit late this year.  But, he blames the delay on the boat yard in Ft. Lauderdale that was doing some work for him.

Fortunately, hurricane Beryl did not affect him. 

Brent left Ft. Lauderdale about three weeks ago, with a different crew.  He took a nice, leisurely cruise around the southern tip of Florida, even holing up in Key West for a while.

Clearwater, Florida, from the sea


So after twelve hours at sea, we dropped anchor amongst a lovely cluster of islands, right at sunset.  Brett showed off his culinary skills by grilling us up some bodacious steaks.


our anchorage

Tomorrow, we continue our journey up the Florida Gulf coast.  Stay tuned!


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