Friday, December 25, 2020

Christmas aboard Dragonfly


Today we took a break from endless boat projects and decided to spend the day doing fun stuff.  Well heck, it IS Christmas Day, after all.  Plus, it was a perfectly gorgeous December day - the kind of day that says:  get out and enjoy the fresh air and sunshine.

It would have been nice to actually take this fine vessel out SAILING on a day like this.  That IS what I bought the dang boat for in the first place!  But Mother Nature has mucked up the tide levels big-time.  That big storm that came thru the other night featured screaming winds out of the north, which blows all the water out of Galveston Bay.  Here in Clear Lake, the water got about THREE FEET below what the lunar tide table said it should be.  Ain't no way in heck me or any other keelboat is getting out of our berth.

So instead, we went bike riding.  I bought these folding bikes sometime back, hoping to be able to bring them along on our big sailing trip.  Folded up, they fit down in the lazarette - but they are still big and heavy and bulky.  But after today, seeing how enjoyable they are to explore around the neighborhood (and to run errands when we're in a faraway marina), I've pretty much decided they are worth it!

Then we whipped up a bodacious Christmas dinner featuring cornbread dressing and grilled chicken.  We topped off the day watching the Saints beat the Vikings while imbibing on some Christmas spirits.  This boat came with a TV set - something I would never actually consider an essential piece of sailing equipment.  But as long as it's here, might as well enjoy it.


Oh and yes we decorated Dragonfly with some Christmas cheer, too.  Enjoy the pics!



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